The Tiobe index (Tiobe index) attempts to track the popularity of programming languages by counting the number of search results for the language name followed by the word “programming” (in 25 different search engines).
This month there were surprises…
According to TIOBE's calculations, compared to a year ago, PHP has now fallen from #7 to #12, while Delphi/Object Pascal has gained five places from #16 to #11.
Fortran jumped from #12 to #8, while both Visual Both Basic and SQL dropped one rank. Towards the top of the list, C fell from the #2 spot in the last 12 months to the #4 spot.
And Go just reached #7 on TIOBE's programming language popularity ranking “an all-time high for Go,” according to TIOBE CEO Paul Jansen.
In this month's note, he states what he believes, saying that Go programs are fast and easy from many opinions — easy to develop, easy to learning and easy to understand.
Η Python for example it is easy to learn but not fast, and development for larger Python programs is fragile due to dependencies on all kinds of libraries published for the environment.
Compared to Rust for example (another contender for the top spot), Go is a bit slower, but Go programs are much easier to understand. The next hurdle for Go in the TIOBE index is JavaScript which is in 6th place and will be difficult to overcome. JavaScript is ubiquitous in development software, although for larger JavaScript systems we are seeing a shift towards TypeScript.
TIOBE's Top 10 Programming Language Rankings for November:
- Python
- C++
- Java
- C
- C#
- JavaScript
- Go
- Fortran
- Visual Basic