The controversy over Article 13 of EU intellectual property law continues. Today Google sent a message to the owners of YouTube channels, to warn the users about the consequences.
YouTube itself has been popping up for the same reason since the beginning of the week.
Why Two years ago, the European Commission announced its plans to modernize copyright legislation in Europe.
At first, the idea did not have many followers, but in recent months things have changed.
Article 13 is controversial. The latest version, approved by the European Commission in September, could hold all major Internet services responsible for infringing on content uploaded to their platforms.
The music industry, of course, widely supports this proposal, hoping it will help it negotiate better licensing agreements. YouTube is now considered the main target, according to major music companies.
YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki warns that Article 13 could force YouTube to block its videos for EU visitors, prompting the platform to launch a public awareness campaign earlier this week.
According to TheVerge, several European YouTube users saw the following pop-up window stating that "Article 13 could have unintended consequences." The alert directs users to the campaign page "saveyourinternet”Created by the company.
YouTube says developers and users will be immediately affected if Article 13 is passed, adding that there is a "better way".
Note that this is the first time YouTube seems to be actively trying to mobilize its users with pop-ups.
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