Greece JS, a voluntary dissemination and enhancement team of Web technologies with a special emphasis on the JavaScript programming language, and the INNOVATHENS Technological Institute of INNOVATHENS invite you to 17 GreeceJS MeetUp the Tuesday 21 February 2017 on 18: 00.
The Web today is the most open software development platform with enormous diffusion and without access restrictions, thus offering high technology start-ups the biggest opportunities to enter a highly competitive market.
Greece JS in its 5 years of history has brought together for the first time the numerous Greek Web community and JavaScript. In addition, it has trained participants in new cutting-edge technologies by disseminating knowledge from the members specializing in them to everyone else, aiming at raising the level of understanding of these technologies in Greece and producing internationally competitive software.
Regular meetings of the community are traditional opportunities for specialist engineers to approach innovative companies looking for new partners and new entrepreneurs looking for technically trained partners.
The regular meetings of Greece JS aim at informing the participants about the latest developments in the field and the dissemination of relevant skills from the most specialized members to the rest.
Participation in the event is free of charge.
Prerequisite here:
18:00 - 18:30
Networking, food & beverages
18:30 - 18:45
Opening talk (s)
18:45 - 19:30
The rise of Google Polymer
Kostas Karolemeas, CEO @Allcancode Inc.
We will explore how Google Polymer builds a comprehensive web platform on the foundation of the emerging standard of Web Components.
19:30 - 19:40
A message from our sponsor: ZuluTrade
20:00 - 20:45
Challenges of Angular in Production
Tasos Bekos, FrontEnd Architect @ZuluTrade
Modern web applications have constantly growing requirements and their API and complexity grow exponentially.
BeerJS @The Lazy Bulldog Pub