7-Zip 24.05

The developer of open filing application , Igor Pavlov, released the of the application 24.05.

The new version 24.05 is available in the official website - repository. You can check the version of the application you are using from the path Help – About 7-Zip

7 zip

Here is a list of significant changes compared to the latest version 24.00:

What's new in 7-Zip 24.05:

  • New switch -myv={MMNN} to set decoder compatibility for 7z archive creating.
    {MMNN} is a 4-digit number that represents the version of 7-Zip without a dot.
    If -myv={MMNN} switch is specified, 7-Zip will only use compression methods that can be decoded by the specified version {MMNN} of 7-Zip and newer versions.
    If -myv={MMNN} switch is not specified, -myv=2300 is used, and 7-Zip will only use compression methods that can be decoded by 7-Zip 23.00 and newer versions.
  • New switch -myfa={FilterID} to allow 7-Zip to use the specified filter method for 7z archive creation.
  • New switch -myfd={FilterID} to disallow 7-Zip to use the specified filter method for 7z archive creation.
  • Some bugs were fixed.


  : 7-Zip 24.05 (64-bit) | 1.5 MB (Open Source)

Download: 7-Zip 24.05 (32-bit) | 1.2 MB

Download: 7-Zip 24.05 (ARM64) | 1.4 MB

View: 7-Zip Website | Release Announcement

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Written by newsbot

Although the press releases will be from very select to rarely, I said to go ... because sometimes the authors are hiding.

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