Human brain: Why it only works at 10 bits/s

It may sound unbelievable, but the human brain processes with just 10 bits per second!

Yes, that's slower internet speed that many of us endured in the early days of dial-up.

Although our senses employ billions bits of data every second, our brains intelligently sift through this mess, letting only what's important pass through.

This is no accident.

The Jieyu Zheng and Markus Meister (Division of Biology and Biological , California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA) they explain in their study The Unbearable Slowness of Being, that the brain is made this way for human survival.

Instead of being overwhelmed by billions of details, the brain has a system to focus on what matters most.

It thus ensures that we act quickly and efficiently without getting stuck on unnecessary information.

The slow pace of the human brain may seem like a handicap in today's fast-paced world, but it has been sufficient for our survival throughout human history.

Evolution prioritized efficiency over speed, allowing the brain to focus on critical tasks without wasting energy.

Machines may continue to outpace us in raw processing power, but the human brain remains fixated on its ability to prioritize the urgent and important and adapt.

The study raises an important question: Why does a brain capable of such complexity operate at such a slow rate?

The researchers report

Why can we only think about one thing at a time? The brain appears to operate in two distinct ways: the “external” brain rapidly handles high-dimensional sensory and motor while the "inner" brain processes the reduced few bits needed to control the behavior. There are plausible explanations for the large numbers of neurons in the outer brain, but not the inner brain, and we suggest new research directions for this. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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  1. The brain.
    This is the very point of impact of the said research of the scientists. That is, those who as other "gods" played with the DNA and MRNA of people in the "period of the ... pandemic" and actually led a lot of this to heart attacks, strokes, ... deaths of unknown causes, paranoia and in general to any MURDERAL cause of dissonance of the evolution, freedom and intelligence of the human species.

    The brain, which probably "must" be discredited in order for the artificial brain of AI to "reign" and of decision-making by supranational centers that are "interested" in the common good, protection and giving people as much freedom of movement as the throughout the Earth (not always apparent) powers.

    Let the "scientists" think (IF THEY CAN) that probably the speed of processing an information (in this case by the human brain) is not the only thing since most obviously, in its decision-making, other concepts are involved such as those that include the concepts: discrediting those who don't deserve it, downgrading processing speed to meaningless things, the psyche of a person and finally including in decisions "third" concepts, unknown to the scientific community in question such as those called: Principles, Ethics, Right, Obligation, setting priorities.

    In short, if we consider an experiment where a person talks to a stupid person, the brain of the former will think: there is no point in talking to him. Thus he will discredit any form of answering, proposing and cooperating with the second person, thus giving the command: make a change and leave. On the contrary, the AI ​​... brain, will try to "think" and give an answer ( ? ) to a question of the kind: are the stones eaten and if so, with what recipe and in what quantity?

    Finally, the human brain (and I'm not referring to that brain of Einstein, Pythagoras, Epicurus, Curie, etc.) works and decides quickly, lightning fast perhaps, in essential situations and not in those established by marketing norms.

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