AntiX is a lightweight distribution based on Debian. For those who do not know Debian means reliability.
The latest version of the project is based on Debian 10 “buster” and has the sysVinit or runit software along with the latest and also the oldestcores for wider hardware support. It is a point release update for series 19.
A list of basic packages is available at announcement of the release of the project. Here are some:
” Based on Debian 10 (buster), but without systemd and libsystemd0. It has it packet eudev instead of udev, custom kernel 4.9.0-294 with fbcondecor splash, as well as custom kernel 5.10.57 ( x64 full).
Celluloid and mpv – to play videos, SMTube to play videos from youtube without using a browser. streamlight-antix – for video streaming with very low RAM usage.
qpdfview, pdf reader, and arc-evopro2-theme-antix. ”
Η διανομή είναι διαθέσιμη σε τέσσερις εκδόσεις, που διαφέρουν σε μέγεθος από τη μεγαλύτερη έως τη μικρότερη: Full, Base, Core και Net.