Arch Linux 2023.12.01 was released as an ISO snapshot for December 2023. It is supported by a new kernel and has a much improved installation experience.
The December 2023 Arch Linux ISO includes archinstall 2.7, which brings two important features, support for a unified kernel image (UKI from unified kernel image), which is a single executable that can be booted directly from the UEFI firmware and the ability to check for new versions of archinstall when launching the Arch Linux installer.
The installer also supports the nvidia-dkms package when installing NVIDIA's proprietary graphics driver, and adds a –skip-ntp parameter to deal with the completion error of “Waiting for time sync (systemd-timesyncd.service)” against the installation.
In addition, archinstall 2.7 adds signal interrupt and EOF handling to commands, improves information on user errors, extends mypy checks, simplifies SysCommand decoding, and fixes several bugs that were present in previous versions to enhance the stability and reliability of the installation experience.
The December 2023 ISO release of Arch Linux is the first to offer the latest Linux 6.6 LTS kernel series, which supports Intel Shadow Stack for Intel processors, a new task scheduler called EEVDF, USB MIDI 2 gadget support, and more new and updated drivers for better hardware support.
Those of you who want to install Arch Linux on new computers can download the new ISO snapshot from the official website or by clicking the link below.
Existing Arch Linux users will simply need to update their system with the command sudo pacman -Syu.