Sale of BitTorrent Inc and uTorrent to Justin Sun

A publication states that BitTorrent Inc, the company that discovered the protocol -to-peer and develops uTorrent will be sold to entrepreneur Justin Sun.

According with TechCrunch, Sun agreed to pay 140 dollars, since January 2018 and signed a letter of intent to acquire the company.BitTorrent Inc

Justin Sun is known for his Tron platform, which describes itself as one of the world's largest blockchain-based operating systems. One of Tron's missions is to create a “truly decentralized and its infrastructure.” Part of that mission included the creation of TRX, a cryptocurrency that currently costs $0.045 per .

The deal has not been announced by Sun or BitTorrent Inc. and it is unclear how the new owner will use P2P technology. Of course no one knows what will happen to uTorrent and the other applications maintained by the company.

BitTorrent claims that over 170 million users use their its per month and that its protocol is responsible for 40% of daily internet traffic.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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