BSOD when updating KB4056894 in Windows

BSOD Again: Microsoft was one of the first companies to release updates to them Meltdown and Specter vulnerabilities on all versions of Windows that still receive support. But as it turns out, at least two of these updates are more bad than good.

The error caused by the KB4056894 collective update in Windows 7. The known BSOD that reports the error is displayed: 0x000000c4.BSOD

Windows 7 users are already discussing this issue on TechNet, and some believe that BSOD is caused by compatibility issues with installed antivirus software. Microsoft, on the other hand, reports that Meltdown and Specter fixes are only sent to systems that use a compatible antivirus.

However, there are also some Windows 7 users who report that they are not using third-party security software.

Some posts in Reddit and Forums Microsoft shows that it is a widespread issue and the uninstall of the patch caused by BSOD is the only option, although this means that the systems will remain vulnerable to Meltdown and Specter attacks.

To uninstall a system that displays BSOD, you must use the "Repair your computer" screen from the start (either by pressing the F8 key or the corresponding key depending on the device manufacturer).

Open a Command Prompt window and run the following two commands one at a time:

dir d: dism / image: d: \ / remove-package / packagename: Package_for_RollupFix ~ 31bf3856ad364e35 ~ amd64 ~~ 7601.24002.1.4 / norestart

Of course, Microsoft could release an update that fixes the problem in tomorrow's Patch Tuesday. The Best Technology Site in Greecegns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...


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  1. Dear George, I personally found that my computer running Win7pro x64 has done this update automatically, and I had not noticed until today. Essentially, the result I observe is, unlike in the past, a half-minute delay in the transition to the desktop. In the opening of Windows let's say. I have not finally decided whether all this is good or bad.
    What do you think; Should I leave it like this?
    If I tried to uninstall this update, would I have another malfunction?
    Thank you, John.

    • Good evening John,
      normally there will be no problem with uninstalling, except that your PC will be left unprotected, as long as it does not bother you, it would be good to leave it as it is. Besides, they have already mentioned that these patches will have performance issues, especially in older systems.

      Whenever it is something you can probably avoid

      • Thanks a lot for your time.
        The truth is that apart from this delay, I have not noticed any other impact.
        My PC has good data, which is probably why. 250αρη SSD Samsung pro, i7 at 3,4, 8gb ram… ..
        So I will be satisfied and safe with a simple delay in starting for half a minute more.
        Good continuation, happy new year!

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