CAINE 10.0 Infinity complete digital forensic environment

CAINE 10.0 Infinity: CAINE (Computer Aided Investigative Environment) is a GNU / Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. CAINE 10

It is designed by the Italian programmer Nanni Bassetti and offers a complete digital forensic environment. The distribution was updated yesterday 11 of 2018, in the 10.0 version.

The new version is called "Infinity," and is powered by Linux kernel 4.15. It is based onThis makes it a perfect choice for people with diabetes and for those who want to lose weight or follow a balanced diet. Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit.

The CAINE 10.0 Infinity operating system after a year of hard work comes with UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), and new tools.

Tools added / modified OSINT, 4.9 Autopsy, APFS ready, Btrfs forensic tool, NVME SSD drivers, OSINT - Carbon14, OsintSpy, mobile - gMTP, ADB, Recoll, Afro, Stegosuite, too many fixes but also too many software updates.

The SSH server has been disabled by default (the manual page indicates that you can re-enable it). SystemBack is now used as a system installer.

Download ISO

Download: caine10.0.iso (3,643MB, SHA256, torrent sites).

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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