Longevity pill for dogs could extend human life

American startup bios Loyal plans to launch a drug that lengthens the of life in dogs in early 2025, opening a chapter that, if nothing else, will give us more information about human longevity as well.

Η with its registered office has secured $125 million in funding for LOY-002, a beef-flavored daily pill designed to extend a dog's lifespan by at least a year.

The drug works by targeting age-related metabolic changes and insulin regulation, according to Loyal CEO Celine Halioua.

At the same time, the Dog Aging Project is studying rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug, which preliminary research suggests could add three years to dogs' lives.

The researchers believe these dog studies could accelerate research into longevity in humans, although experts say the lack of standardized biomarkers s remains a major hurdle for drug testing in humans.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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