US prepares unprecedented sanctions against China

Cyberattacks are a major issue between the United States and China, as both sides often talk about it but essentially neither country takes responsibility nor accepts the accusations. us china china china

It is a fact that because of the nature of these acts, it is difficult to say what the truth is, as it is not everything black or white.

For their part, the United States appears to be willing to impose "unprecedented" sanctions in China to punish it for a number of supposedly commercial cyber-attacks, Publication of Washington .

According to the publication, citing unnamed US officials, the Obama administration plans to impose "unprecedented" sanctions against in response to a recent spate of alleged commercial cyberattacks.

The government can justify these sanctions, according to information, stating that Chinese companies have exploited and benefited from cyber-thefts of US trade secrets, such as intellectual property, corporate and commercial secrets.

Apparently the Obama administration has not yet decided to proceed or not with the sanctions, but the White House is expected to take the final decision on the matter soon. A spokesman for the White House refused to comment on the matter.

Besides, in a few weeks, the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Washington is expected. Last week, a White House spokesman confirmed that there is "no doubt" that this issue (the issue of cyberattacks by China) will be on the daily agenda. . The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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