Chrome 15 February: End of annoying ads

Google announced today that it will stop serving ads through it which do not meet certain quality standards as of February 15 .

Google had announced its intention to block embarrassing ads via Chrome since June, but today announced for the very first time a very specific date.Chrome

Quality standards reported by Google are set by Google Better Ads - which has been established by the company itself. So using Google's Better Ads metrics and weights will block any annoying ads.

What will they be? On desktops it will be pop-up advertising messages, or videos that play automatically with s, large sticky ads and much more. On mobile, this will include scrollover ads, flashing ads, etc.

If you are an administrator of someone And if you're interested in learning more, you can read the company's guides to serving better ads from the links below:

However, Google will not stop only at the above measures. In case you do not agree with the display of an advertisement and ignore the pre for more than 30 days, Google will ban all ads from this site.

So to show us, who is the boss… and who can choose the quality ads, such as the following image sent to us by a friend of the page, and you may have noticed the previous days:

Of course, there will always be people trying to figure out ways to circumvent the regulations… The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...


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  1. ublock origin with many extra filters from, adguard dns, blocking of 3rd party cookies in the browser and end of all ads and all trackers

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