Chrome QR code capability for images as well

A new feature extends QR for URLs present in Chromium. Google Chrome (and the Edge) allows generating QR codes for the page you are browsing.

The generated QR code encodes the URL of the page and embeds it in a QR image. So it is possible to read from any compatible device, e.g. with your phone's camera.

Now you can do the same for the images. The new Chrome Canary released adds a new menu entry when you right-click. The new entry allows you to instantly share an image via QR code. How does it work:

Just right-click on an image, and select the new entry in the menu (Generate QR code or Generate QR code). A new dialog will open showing you a QR for the image address.

You're done.

The dialog that opens gives you the option to download the QR as a PNG image. You can save the image, send it to your friends or read it with your phone's camera to open or open the related image in the program on the phone. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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