Chrome supports viewing pdf files on two pages

Chrome supports viewing two pages from a pdf file, showing them side by side. This feature is still in the Canary version.


Google has added a useful new feature to your Chrome browser that lets you view more than one page of a PDF document. The pages will appear on your screen next to each other, like a book.

This feature is currently available in the latest Chrome Canary and must be enabled via a flag.

If you are running the Canary version and want to enable Google's XNUMXD view, go to chrome: // flags / # pdf-two-up-view and enable it.

To use it, view a PDF from either the web or your local drive and click the Enable Duplex button on the bottom right, as shown below.


The feature is expected to be available to regular users in a few weeks. The Best Technology Site in Greecegns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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