CIR has adopted the European Biometric Data Base

Common Repository Identity or simply CIR: Last week, the European Parliament voted on the implementation of a new set of border control systems for immigration and law enforcement. The European Union will acquire a giant biometric database of EU citizens and other countries (PDF).

This new database will also be known as Common Repository Identity (CIR) and will contain data from 350 million people.

According to the EU plan, the CIR will simultaneously collect identity records (names, birthdates, passport numbers and others) and biometrics (fingerprints and face scans). These data will be available to all law enforcement authorities as well as border control.

Its primary role (according to the EU) will be to cut jobs in border controls and law enforcement agencies, as searching in a unified system will take place much faster.

The systems to be integrated include the Schengen Information System, Eurodac, the Visa Information System (VIS) and three new systems: the European Criminal Records System (ECRIS-TCN), the Entry System / EES) and the European System Information and Travel Authorization (ETIAS), EU officials said last week.CIR

The creation of the CIR database was endorsed by the European Parliament last Monday, April 15, in two separate votes. The CIR Border and Control Regulations received 511 positive votes, 123 v, and nine abstentions, while the CIR legislation on police and judicial cooperation, asylum and immigration was adopted with 510 positive votes, 130 v, and nine abstentions.

The European Parliament has promised "adequate safeguards" to protect citizens 'right to privacy and to regulate officers' access to data.

Ever since plans to create this biometric database were announced last year, privacy advocates have not stopped criticizing the EU, saying the creation of the CIR is a "point without return (PDF)”In the creation of an“ EU central database for Big Brother ”.

Once installed, CIR will become one of the world's largest human data tracking databases, just like the systems used by the Chinese government and the Aadhar system in India.

In the US, the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations have similar biometric databases.

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Written by giorgos

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