Color your black and white photos for free offers free and online AI technology that can add color to your black and white photos.

The is a project of the Singapore Government Technology Agency (Government Technology Agency of Singapore) to create one AI tool, specially trained Painting historical photos of Singapore.

But everyone is free to use it. She works like Algorithmia website which we had presented earlier. You just upload one , solve the CAPTCHA and the photo is automatically colored. You can download the color image for free and without any logo on it. According to the website, none of the uploaded images are stored on the servers.

Colourise best colors high-resolution images that contain humans and natural landscapes, although you can upload any photo you want and get a color result, which is usually good. We tried images with people, buildings, various landscapes, with flowers and most of them turned out well.

For almost every new photo you want to upload to Colourise, it asks for it first of a CAPTCHA. If you have several images that you want to color, arm yourself with patience because you will have to do the entire process for each photo. Photos are uploaded from your device, images cannot be added using a web address, and there is no drag and drop from your device to the Colourise window.

Website Note: The purpose of coloring is to create a picture with which are matched. It does not in any way guarantee that the color image is an accurate representation of the real thing U. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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