COSMOTE Technology for Everyone The new departments have started

Its new sections have started preof "Technology for All" by COSMOTE, which enables people to grow to familiarize themselves with new technologies and digital media.

Through the educational program, older people - with no previous experience in digital technologies - learn how to use tablets and touch technologies, navigate the Internet, use social media and applications such as google, email, , etc.


Familiarity with digital media helps them in their daily needs, communication and entertainment, making their daily lives better.

The scientific supervision of the program "Technology for Everyone»Has Dr. Dimitris Kampanaros, Psychologist-Gerontologist. The educational body of the program is OTEAcademy, while the call center of the program is supported by Cosmote e-Value ..

The courses take place at the OTEAcademy facilities in Maroussi. Those interested can register by phone, at 210 6249300.

More than 15.000 people have participated in the "Technology for All" program

COSMOTE, through educational initiatives to reduce digital illiteracy at older ages, as well as in the field of STEM, continuously contributes to more and more people having to the benefits and possibilities of digital technology, helping to reduce the digital divide. With the "Technology for All" program, over 15.000 people have been trained to date. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by newsbot

Although the press releases will be from very select to rarely, I said to go ... because sometimes the authors are hiding.

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