The CryptMax application enables you to send and receive encrypted messages inside Android mobile phones, ensuring full end-to-end encryption.
Perhaps for most users, encryption sounds like a condition used only by government agencies, or movies are mentioned together with a hacker trying to break the security systems of large companies and banks. But encryption exists and works for all ordinary users and in areas of our online experience, such as for example on httrs websites or in our documents on Google Drive.
And while encryption slowly but steadily spreads to all sectors and branches of e-life, for mobile phones the field is a bit hazy yet. However, there are simple and free methods that can ensure that your Android device can send encrypted messages all the way from one end to the other.
Such a lightweight and free application is also the CryptMax. The good thing about this application is that it does not force you to use an email application but actually uses a notebook where it encrypts what you type into it, and then you can just copy-paste your encrypted message and send it with any email application you want. Yes, that means you can use your Gmail and send a message where all its contents are encrypted.
Let's see how it works:
Download the application CryptMax from the Play Store , open it and you will be presented with a black screen in which you can type your message. There's only one option you really need to consider here:
AES-128 vs. AES-192 vs. AES-256
By default, the strength of the CryptMax encryption method is "AES-128" and is shown in the upper right corner. By clicking on it you can change the encryption method and make it AES-192 or AES-256, which is technically safer than 128, but in fact even an AES-128 encrypted message would be almost impossible to break. Although usually government agencies and other large organizations are working with 192 or 256, there is still no practical way to break AES-128. In short, if you leave the AES-128 encryption you will be fine.
Once you have written your message to CryptMax, enter an encryption code below the text box. The recipient should know this encryption code in advance and have installed the CryptMax application so that they can read the message. You should ensure that no other third party will know the code because otherwise it will be able to decipher your message (and, of course, knowing that you are using CryptMax, which is quite unlikely).
Once you have created a password, click "Encryption" at the bottom left, and the application will convert the text to corrupted encrypted characters. Then click "Copy", go to any e-mail application you want, click "paste" in the body of the message and send the message.
Again, remember that when the recipient receives the email, you must copy-paste the corrupted text in the CryptMax application and use the encryption code to read it. It is of course an extra work, but this is the price you pay for top security!
AES encryption remains by far the best way to make sure your mail stays private. If you don't like the whole thing procedure copy-paste, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε κάτι σαν την K-9 Mail παράλληλα με την APG ( Android Guard Privacy) για να στείλετε άμεσα κρυπτογραφημένα μηνύματα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, αλλά αν θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε μία εφαρμογή αποστολής – λήψης emails της αρέσκειά σας, τότε η CryptMax παραμένει η καλύτερη λύση.