David Mayer the name that shortens ChatGPT

ChatGPT users they encountered an unusual error which prevents the AI ​​chatbot from saying the name “David Mayer”.

The popular crafting tool of OpenAI responds to different requests, unless you write to David Mayer. ChatGPT will then reply to you with an error message: “Unable to reply”. openai chat gpt

The chat thread is then terminated, and streamers are forced to open a new chat window to continue interacting with ChatGPT.

The has raised concerns about how large companies like OpenAI use their platforms to censor.

"I think the lesson here is that ChatGPT will be heavily regulated to protect the interests of those who have the ways and means to do so," said one on a ChatGPT forum.

Others they tried several different ways to trick the AI ​​bot into saying the name David Mayer, but none worked.

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Written by giorgos

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