By connecting SmartTV and streaming services to devolo dLAN Powerline

devolo dlan powerline: Video streaming services such as Amazon Instant Video®, iTunes®, Maxdome® or Netflix® provide great fun for every taste and always instantly when the user desires it.

But to enjoy uninterrupted web-based home entertainment, there should be a consistent, stable and available Internet connection around the clock.

Here devolo comes with dLAN Powerline technology: The home network through electrical wiring. The perfect connection for wired and wireless data transmission!dLAN-1200 + -WiFi-ac-closeup

The digital world ς σε όλο το σπίτι

The number of downloads and streaming media content is growing at a rapid pace, while more and more devices such as τηλέφωνα, tablets, υπολογιστές και έξυπνες τηλεοράσεις είναι online. Οι video-on-demand is booming.

Movies must of course have full HD resolution and work smoothly, without flicker. All devices and streaming services have a common feature: everyone needs a fast Internet connection so one evening watching a video or movie is a great opportunity for relaxation without gaps and interruptions.

Smart-TV and Streaming-Box: Perfect connection to dLAN Powerline

The equation is very simple: no network = no Internet = no streaming. The majority of devices, such as smart TVs, game consoles or streaming boxes, are based on a traditional network cable or WiFi, some even offer both connection methods.

The biggest problem that many users face is always the same: Both wired and wireless network connections are not always available where we need them.

Devolo's dLAN Powerline technology drastically corrects this situation: The Aachen-based manufacturer in Germany has a range of adapters in its product range that bring WiFi and home network exactly where the user needs, to whom floor of his house if he is.

The notifying difference is that dLAN Powerline uses existing power lines to transmit the data and therefore no new wiring is required.dLAN-1200 + -WiFi-ac-scenario_devices

Installing and operating a network via dLAN Powerline is a simple matter, since it is sufficient to connect an adapter near the router and connect to it. A second adapter can be plugged into any outlet in the house. WiFi and home network are available everywhere, in less than five minutes – without any prior user knowledge.

DLAN Powerline as a universal connection

Devolo's dLAN Powerline acts as a universal connection between a large number of smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart TVs, network drives, game consoles, streaming boxes and all other digital devices in our home.
As evidenced by the numerous awards and distinctions in tests, devolo offers the most flexible and stable solution to this issue. The current range of dLAN 1200 adapters, either wired or WiFi - offers up to 1.200 Mbps bandwidth and up to 400 meters. Therefore, devolo adapters "run" with the latest technology and ensure the best possible results even in the most remote corner of the house - from the basement and the garden house, to the attic.

Availability, warranty and pricing

Right now devolo has a complete set of different dLAN Powerline adapters. Customers have the flexibility to choose a solution with or without WiFi if they want to create one, two or three network connections, even if they want to use an adapter with or without a built-in socket. The entry-level solutions for the initial installation of a Powerline network are available at retail prices ranging from € 69,90. An existing Powerline can easily be expanded later with additional adapters. All devolo dLAN Powerline adapters are compatible with each other and are covered by a three-year manufacturer warranty. The Best Technology Site in Greecefgns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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