Billionaire tech barons are preparing a private space station

“Οι ιδιωτικοί διαστημικοί σταθμοί συγκεντρώνουν δισ δολάρια σε μια προσπάθεια να χτίσουν μελλοντικούς κόμβους ή ακόμη και πόλεις σε τροχιά μια μέρα”, σύμφωνα με μια πρόσφατη αναφορά της British newspaper, The Telegraph:

Axiom , an American company aiming to build its own station, has raised more than $500 million. Vast, a space venture backed by crypto billionaire Jed McCaleb, plans two stations before the end of the decade.

Gravitics, meanwhile, has raised tens of millions of dollars for its modular space "real estate." Nasa itself, along with other space agencies, is planning another station, the Lunar Gateway, to orbit the Moon.

Η Blue Origin του Jeff Bezos έχει επίσης ανακοινώσει σχέδια για την κατασκευή ενός διαστημικού σταθμού έως το 2027, που θα ονομάζεται Orbital Reef. Η εταιρεία τον περιγράφει σαν ένα τροχιακό “επιχειρηματικό πάρκο μικτής χρήσης”. Σε συνεργασία με την αμερικανική αεροδιαστημική επιχείρηση Sierra Space, το Orbital Reef θα αποτελείται από φουσκωτούς θαλάμους, οι οποίοι θα μπορούν να εκτοξευθούν με κανονικό πύραυλο πριν βρεθούν στο διάστημα. Η Sierra Space αναφέρει ότι αυτές οι μονάδες θα μπορούσαν να φιλοξενήσουν παρ in space or pharmaceutical technology…

Starting in 2021, Nasa has offered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to private companies to develop commercial space stations that could succeed the ISS.

So far, it has given $400 million to companies like Axiom, Blue Origin (which works with Sierra Space), and Northrop Grumman…

Vast hopes to launch its first space station, Haven-1, on . Θα είναι μια απλή μονάδα. Αυτός ο πρώτος ιδιωτικός station will employ a crew of four over 4 two-week missions…

Although Vast was not one of the companies funded by Nasa, it hopes that by launching its first space station, it can leapfrog competing efforts and claim the agency as a customer. It would then be able to target other space agencies or companies conducting research.

Some interesting opinions from the article:

Chris Quilty, an analyst at Quilty Space: "If China wasn't building its own space station, it's questionable whether Nasa would feel compelled to maintain a human presence in low Earth orbit."

Tim Farrar, founder of TMF Associates, which advises some of the world's leading space companies: “Unless they secure government funding or focus on space tourism, they will inevitably have to rely on the strengths of either billionaires or naive investors who are space lovers.” The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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