Try X's sarcastic Chatbot Grok for free

Elon Musk is offering free use of the sarcastic Chatbot Grok (Grok) on X, even to those who have a simple free account.

Anyone with an X account can now use the Grok chatbot. A while ago it was only for paid subscribers, who were willing to pay at least $7 a month for the Premium level.

Grok works similarly to other chatbots. Just type your question or describe the image you want to see. But Grok answered "spicy questions" that other artificial bots s avoid and at the same time it has access to data from X.

So use your imagination and ask him strange questions. But there are some limits. According to Grok himself, your X account should have more than one wk lifetime and also have a phone number declared.

You can also only send 10 messages to the chatbot every two hours. You are also limited to three analysis questions the day.

If you want to try Grok, it's available from the web site or the X mobile app. On the website, select Grok in the sidebar (or visit Grok directly).

Elon Musk by giving free users a taste of the chatbot probably hopes to attract more subscribers to X. In addition Grok could also be used as a powerful engine s in X.

For the story, grok was originally released late last year, but is known to lag behind competitors in users and .

One of Grok's top competitors, ChatGPT, recently announced a very expensive new pricing plan. A $200 per month subscription to ChatGPT Pro offers unlimited access to the best and newest OpenAI technology. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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