Drone light show turned into a nightmare

" fell from the sky and hit a little boy during a celebration" the Orlando Sentinel reports.

The company behind the drones, Sky Elements, was in the second year of its contract with the city. Sky Elements performs show across the country with millions of viewers annually. The company says it complies with FAA safety regulations.

"The well-being of our audience is our highest priority and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused. We are working diligently with FAA and City of Orlando officials to determine the cause of the crash and are committed to releasing a clearer picture of what happened."

The show is in its third year, drawing huge crowds (about 25.000 people), according to the city. But there has never been an incident before. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA from the Federal Aviation Administration) regulates drones and light shows and allowed the Holiday Drone Show in Lake Eola on Saturday. They are currently investigating the incident which they said started when drones collided and fell into the crowd in the park. Eyewitness video at they show several green and red drones falling from the sky.

The mother of the 7-year-old boy who was hit by a falling drone told a local television station that the celebration "ended with nightmares," adding that it happened just days before the . He believes drone light shows with large audiences need more safety precautions.

"This should not be done. No family should have to go through this." On Facebook Reported that her 7-year-old son is now "having emergency heart surgery just because he watched a drone show."

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Written by giorgos

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