ESET old hardware? put Linux

Η Germany with a new one Publication in her blog mentions the impending end of support for Windows 10 and how it will affect about 65% or about 32 million computers in the country. linux cloud

Η ασφαλείας εκφράζει την ανησυχία της για αυτό, καθώς η συντριπτική πλειονότητα των κατόχων επιτραπέζιων υπολογιστών εξακολουθούν να χρησιμοποιούν το απερχόμενο system, which will leave them vulnerable. So the company recommends switching to Windows 11.

ESET Germany security expert Thorsten Urbanski says:

It's five minutes to twelve to avoid a security fiasco in 2025. We strongly recommend all users not to wait until October, but to switch to Windows 11 immediately or choose an alternative operating system if their device cannot to update to the latest Windows operating system. Otherwise, users are exposed to significant security risks and become vulnerable to dangerous cyber attacks or even data loss

ESET also cited the expensive pricing policy of Microsoft's paid extended support of Windows 10 through the Extended Security Updates program (ESU from ). It states:

Microsoft has already announced that there will be extended, paid support for Windows 10. What is new this time is that private users can also purchase this service. However, the cost is high and doubles with each year of use.

The blog post also gives general security advice and again recommends upgrading to Windows 11. But it adds that users with unsupported hardware could try Linux:

Always use the latest version of Windows, even if the change is difficult at first. Old versions like Windows 7 or XP pose a high security risk and should be replaced urgently. Migration from Windows 10 should also be planned. ESET recommends migrating to Windows 11 as soon as possible. Alternatively, a Linux distribution can also be a good choice, especially for older hardware. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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