Facebook disable advertising preferences

It is known that the allows advertisers to target specific groups of people. Do you know that you can see which advertisers are targeting you? You can and it will probably be a big surprise for you.

As part of the effort to make Facebook more user-friendly with more transparency, it lets you know which advertisers are displaying ads using a list containing all your information. Facebook

This information is gathered by the advertiser and then shared and presented by Facebook as a way of more transparency. According to the company, the reason you see some ads is that advertisers are trying to reach people based on the information they've added to their profiles.

To find the Facebook settings, click on the link below to avoid searching. Beware, the result may scare you, especially if you think you are protected in the largest social network, and more generally in the Web.

The specific according to Facebook, it displays your advertising preferences. You can find out what influences the ads you see but also “take” control (which Facebook allows) on advertisements. Advertisers serve ads using a list of contacts they have uploaded and includes your communication. The information was collected by the advertiser, typically after you provided your email address to either the advertiser or another with which he works.

Browse the categories listed below and find out who you are!

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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