Fedora 40 switch from Wayland to X11

The Fedora distribution has been released not long ago the 40 with the GNOME desktop environment, upgraded to version 46, while KDE Spin comes with the 6 and runs with Wayland out of the box.fedora 40

So this was not something that made me happy as a setting that I have been using for years was lost.screenshot 2024 05 13 08 00 08

The Force setting DPI is not there with Wayland, while it continues to be with X11. So what did I do? I added X11 to the Fedora 40 distribution's KDE Spin.

Let's see how it works

If you are interested, you can run the following command in the terminal of the distribution:

sudo dnf plasma--x11 kwin-x11

After installation you will need to reboot your system to change from Plasma to Plasma (X11) on the Login screen.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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