Tax Administration 3.0 AI in tax audits

The Independent Inland Revenue Authority is heralding a new era in tax administration, with the contracting of a new Unified Integrated Tax Information System (TAXIS – TAXISNET – ELENXIS).

It is a plan based on the strategy for the transition to “Tax Administration 3.0”, combining cutting-edge technologies, such as intelligence, centered on transparency, data-driven decision-making and proactive risk management.

In addition to the above the new θα έχει σαν στόχο την σταδιακή μείωση του δείκτη αντίληψης της διαφθοράς αλλά και να ενισχυθεί η of taxpayers in the administration.

AADE will reportedly use artificial intelligence in audits as it aims to boost transparency and fight tax evasion.

In these audits, AADE targets self-employed professionals, with the main objective of reducing tax evasion by 40% by 2029.

The project, with a total budget of 86.181.528,66 euros, is covered by the Recovery and Resilience Fund, has 5 years and is expected to be completed in December 2029.

At the same time, 4-year maintenance is provided with an additional budget of €33.460.160,00.
At the same time, AADE has set the goal of the fastest possible implementation of specific functions, with the first individual subsystems being put into from the end of 2026.

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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