Google Drive from June 28 automatically allows backup up

Although the Drive is already a pretty useful cloud storage tool, it's about to get even more useful: starting June 28, the will allow you to back up entire folders from your hard drive and sync them to your account.Google Drive

You will need to first download the Backup and Sync tool for PC or Mac when it is released. Once you're signed in to your account, you'll be able to select the folders you want to keep backed up and have to them via Drive on your devices.

The upcoming feature sounds very practical for those who already use Google Drive extensively.

However, it is not known if Google grows the free storage limit, because such a function will definitely need more than 15GB free space.

Of course there is always a solution of Drive capacity on , but any free proposal is much better and more widely accepted. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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