Google Search with selection of results without personalization

Google has rolled out a new feature in Google Search with an option to display search results without any personalization. The feature, which is available on desktop and mobile devices, appears as a link at the bottom of Google Search search results.

Google on its search pages personalized results by default. This means that Google uses information that whoever performs the search to display results. The company may use past searches, activity on search results pages, interaction with ads, location, and other information to personalize results.

Personalized search results are not limited to users signed in to a Google account. Even if you are not connected, you will get customized results with the data Google has about you or your activity.

A click or tap on the “try without personalization” link reloads the results without personalized results. In other words: you will have information as if Google knew nothing about you (too good to be true). Although this does not guarantee that the results will be different, it may help Google users who do not like personalized results.

Tip: you can automate this by adding &peek_pws=0 at Google Search URL. It probably is time to release extensions that automate the process.


Google says it will still use query context to improve results. He can use the location, the or your device type to personalize results, even when you use the no-personalization option.

Disabling personalization also disables the ability to find past searches in Autocomplete, according to Google.

Additional information about the new option is available on the Google Search Help site. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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