How to Unlock and Play a Secret Chess on Facebook Messenger

His Messenger δεν προσφέρει μόνο συνομιλίες, ανταλλαγές and video calls. It also contains a hidden chess game that if you know how to unlock it you can play with your interlocutor.

fbchess messenger

And we are not talking about third party implementation but about a hidden embedded application Facebook Messenger. But let's see how you will unlock this hidden game.

All you have to do is type in "@fbchess play" during a conversation with a friend in Messenger and press Enter (without the shutters), and it will magically appear in your text chat a chess set ready for play.

Well done, you unlocked it, but you can also play with your friend who is in the chat box. Let's see how: The person who started the game will take the "White" pieces and make the first move.

As for the manipulation of the pawns, there is some formal algebraic terminology, such as:

  • B for the "Officer or otherwise Crazy"
  • R for the "Tower"
  • Q for the "Queen"
  • K for the "King"
  • N for the "Horse"
  • P for the "Soldier"

A move command is written with “@fbchess <pawn type><column letter><number s>". For example if you want to move the soldier to square b3 you would write “@fbchess Pb3” (always without hyphens). The soldiers can be moved without writing the letter P but only b3. For all other pawns, you must declare its type with the above letters.

You can also get help, if you ever need it, by writing the command “@fbchess help” in Messenger. You will see the following list of possible ones that you have at your disposal.

Start playing with random colors: @fbchess play (start the game in random colors) Pick the colors: @fbchess play white / black (choose color) Pick the opponent: @fbchess play white John (choose opponent) Make a move: use Standard Algebraic Notation @fbchess e4 or @fbchess Pe4 moves pawn to e4 (one move) Nbd2 to move knight from b-file to d2 (Nbd2 to move the horse from b to d2) B2xc5 to take on c5 with 2nd rank bishop (B2xc5 to go to c5 the 2 officer) e8 = Q to promote pawn to queen (e8 = Q to promote a queen pawn) 0-0-0 or OO to castle Claim draw eg 3 fold repetition): @fbchess draw claim Offer a draw in the current position: @fbchess draw offer Offer an undo of the last move: @fbchess undo Resign: @fbchess resign (resign) Show current position: @fbchess show (see current status) Show stats between current players: @fbchess stats (see statistics among current players) From 1: 1 conversation, @fbchess continue with @fbchess continue (continue playing in another conversation) [friend] (continue playing with your friend) From group chat, @fbchess continue from [thread name] (continue playing in groups)

Note that all commands are case sensitive, ie they should be written in capital or lowercase just as they are in the help.

You can undo a move with the command “@fbchess ” or pressing the “Undo” button – but your opponent must accept your request to undo.

Messenger will allow you to chat with your friend during the game. You can also continue a half-finished match with a second friend with the command "@fbchess continue with <friend name>"

FB chess is currently available for both mobile and web platforms. Have fun! The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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