Below we will see the largest site in the world. Really how big is this page? Is the title exaggerated?
The page you will see below is 9 sqmillions pixels in width and 9 quadrillion pixels in height. Thus, the total number of pixels reaches: 8,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
The number is huge and if we want to read it we have to use mathematical formulas: we would find that it is 8.1 × 10 ^ 30, or 8.1e30.
This means that the repeated image backgroundu has 5.4e28 αστέριa – about as long as it would have universe us if it multiplied a million times (to the present size that we can observe).
Try the page yourself. Using the arrows scrolls on your keyboard, notice how slow you go down.
One way to imagine the size of this site.
Let's exaggerate a little bit and say that a trillion books have been written so far and that each of these books has 10.000 pages.
Let's say each of these pages has an average size of about one square foot. This would mean that this site has ten trillion times the space needed to fit all the books.
If you now do a random search of this site at a rate of ten page views per second, it would take about 31.000 years - on average - before you find the page you are looking for.
See the page