Intel Optane SSD 905P new improved Optane 900

Intel Optane SSD 905P: It's been six months since the released the Optane 900, high-performance SSD drives for workstations , or high-performance PC enthusiasts using 3D XPoint memory (3D XPoint memory) and the company announced the 905P series to improve its performance.

As with the 900 series, the 905P series drives come as U.2 or HHHL (half-height half-length), but doubles the storage capacity to 480GB and 960GB, respectively. The 905P HHHL version also features a design with LED lights that will attract gamers. The new discs come with the same warranty (5 years) as the 900 series.Intel Optane SSD 905P

Compared to other SSDs using NVMe technology, the 3D XPoint Intel's processors are already proven to have excellent performance, and the new 905Ps are said to increase sequential and random read/write speeds. THE by clicking here Tom's Hardware lists the Intel Optane SSD 905P HHL as the fastest SSD on the market, although this conclusion is based on only a few preliminary benchmark tests.

The advantages can be that the 3D XPoint memory has a lower delay (under 10 microseconds) and greater durability (10 full records per day).

As for the cost? Η of the 905P is at $599 for the U.2 at 480GB U.2, while for the half-height 960GB the price rises to $1.200. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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