There are many incredible websites on the internetnetwork, dealing with everything imaginable. isthewatersafetodrink is one of them and deals with whether a city has potable water or not.
The logic of the website is simple: The tripyes they expand the mind, but they can also upset your stomach as the traveler is forced to consume the foods of other cultures. And most importantly, the water of other areas.
We are talking about drinking water that comes from the tap and not bottled water. The website therefore informs you whether the tap water is one regionof a country is suitable for drinking.
The application is very simple; enter the name of the country to visit or the city name. Its web application database isthewatersafetodrink it is rather small in terms of areas, so it is best to search only with the name of the country.
For Greece, he showed us:
While typing, you can select a name from the drop-down options that try to guess your sentence. The application does not wait for any final confirmation of your choice and simply as soon as the country or city in its database is filled in it immediately shows you the Results.
The data comes from IAMAT, the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers. In places where drinking water is not safe, the application will advise you either to boil it or to buy bottled from a certified distribution company.
You can visit isthewatersafetodrink from here