Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab has unveiled a bold redesign of its logo that includes the removal of the word "Lab".
The company also upgraded its logo by removing the three small triangles and the two huge S from the “Kaspersky. ”
According to the company he removed the word Lab because it's essentially for nerds. The company also said the new look of the logo "reflects the evolution of our business focus from" cybersecurity "to the broader concept of" cyber-immunity. " Ok, whatever the marketing department says!
Perhaps after the company's adventures in the US, the marketing department decided to find out why some criticize Kaspersky, starting with what goes wrong with their logo.
Before the news breaks with her Huawei, Kaspersky was already victim of the US government from 2017.
But the company "pursuing its mission to save the world" changes its visual identity to reflect its "core values" and the essence of what Kaspersky describes as security company.
I wonder if this beautiful logo bumps Uncle Sam…
See also the old company logo to be able to distinguish the differences:
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