KB5046613: fixes Teams, Quick Assist and more in Windows 10

Microsoft released its Patch Tuesday updates. Sta Windows 10 we have KB5046613, KB5046615, KB5046612, KB5046665 while for the Windows 11 we have KB5046617, KB5046633. Windows 11 updates seem to fix a weird bug in Task Manager that would incorrectly show the number of processes when all Windows processes were showing zero.Windows 10

Meanwhile, the Windows 10 update finally fixes a bug where non-elevated users (non-administrators) couldn't launch certain apps like Teams, Quick Assist and others. The issue was introduced in September with update KB5043131 and was related to the uiAccess=true attribute that is part of an application's manifest file and is used to manage privileges.

Microsoft had already issued a KIR (Known Restore Issue from Known Issue Rollback) to fix the problem at least on enterprise-managed computers.

The company says:

“This issue was resolved with Windows updates released on November 12, 2024 (KB5046613). We recommend that you install the latest security update on your device, as it contains important improvements and fixes, including this one.

If you have an enterprise-managed device and have installed the updated released on November 12, 2024 (KB5046613), you do not need to use Known Issue Rollback (KIR) or any other Group Policy to resolve this issue. If you are using an update released before November 12, 2024 and are experiencing this issue, your administrator can resolve the issue by installing and configuring the special Group Policy listed below.

Custom Group Policy is located in Computer > Administrative Templates > Policy which exists below.

For more information about the installation and settings of this special group policy, see the section How to use Group Policy to deploy a known issue rollback. "

Group Policy downloads with Group Policy name:

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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