LibreOffice 6.3.0: Document Foundation announced the 6.3.0 suite of the suite LibreOffice. It is the first major release of the LibreOffice 6.3 series and is available for all supported platforms. LibreOffice 6.3 has been in development for the last six months and comes with new features that you can see in the video below. LibreOffice is the free, power-packed, open-source personal productivity suite for distribution GNU/Linux, Macintosh and Windows, which provides you with six (6) rich feature-rich applications for all your document production as well as for managing your data management needs:
Writer Text Editor, Calc Calculator, Impress Slide Show, Draw Drawing / Drawing, Mathematical Formulas and Math Calculator, and Base Database application.
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Free Support is provided and documentation, from the huge and enthusiastic community of users, from the various contributors and, of course, from the developers themselves. Even you, too, you can join!
For information on the Foundation Document Foundation or the LibreOffice office suite, please visit:
The new LibreOffice 6.3 is the new version of the open-source and cross-platform office suite used in many functional Linux and not only.
Download LibreOffice 6.3.0
LibreOffice 6.3.0 is available in the following operating systems and architectures:
- Linux x64 (deb)
- Linux x64 (rpm)
- Mac OS X x86_64 (10.8 or newer required)
- Windows
- Windows x86_64 (Windows 7 or newer required)
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