LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn why did you buy

LinkedIn Learning: LinkedIn just made one available online oriented social network for professionals that it hopes will accelerate its vision of creating a community of “economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”

The company on Thursday made LinkedIn available , the integration of the service with the acquisition of

Last April, LinkedIn bought for 1,5 for two billion dollars, but for more than a year, the online tutorial site remained as an autonomous entity. LinkedIn Learning

However, this probably won't change with the launch of LinkedIn Learning. To be clear: Nothing has changed with will remain online for a while, according to company representatives. What LinkedIn just the service of education and professional engagement with its data. So while you are in the professional social network, you can learn new skills based on the context of the positions that you want or are interested in.

As with, LinkedIn Learning supports several course modules, which are geared towards helping you find the you want.

The service will show you all the people who have attended the course, job titles as well as other skills to be better informed about what the next steps are after completing your training.

LinkedIn Learning's goal is to update you for new skills to promote your career either in the same organization or in another business.

According to the company, there is a lot you can learn about the job you are interested in, and instead of spending years and money at college (?!), In Learning will help you succeed. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by Dimitris

Dimitris hates on Mondays .....

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