MX Linux-23.4 “Libretto” is the fourth release refresh of MX Linux-23, and brings bug fixes, kernel updates, and application updates from the original MX-23 release. If you are already using MX-23, you do not need to install it again. The packages are all available through the regular update channels or by installing the changed apps.
Highlights include:
Debian 12.7 bookworm base
This release includes all updates from the Debian and MX repositories.
Some of the highlights from our 23.3 release include:
Xfce 4.18 core packages update (Xfce isos and pi respin)
MX Packageinstaller now shows all installed packages in the Enabled, test and backports tabs, not just those available in a configured repo. Installed and uninstalled version numbers are shown in the table, not just tooltips. The flatpak tab has an optional filter to show only from flathub.
(MX-)live-usb-maker defaults to luks2 encryption for those making encrypted live usbs.
All kernel updates: The standard Xfce, KDE and fluxbox ISOs are all updated to the latest 6.1.106 kernel. AHS now uses liqourix kernel 6.10.10.
The MX Raspberry Pi Respin has also been updated with the latest packages available from the MX and RPiOS repos.
Read the announcement of the new release.
Direct Downloads:
MX-23.4_386.iso (Xfce desktop and debian 6.1 pae 32 bit kernel)
md5sum: f3ee591e6f3e5f188e3b52b0cc7c91c8
sha256: be46582dbe8e021deabdfc8a85c3a99ccb5d10b93d20cf1c684699de3e3bf9e3
MX-23.4_x64.iso (Xfce desktop and debian 6.1 64 bit kernel)
md5sum: 9155136c5ea83179907dca55c6eb67b1
sha256: 93e947ce888f6e5a79ab131d812ba5c92c82f0c77bdaa2bb91238c086f32eded
MX-23.4_ahs_x64.iso(Xfce desktop and liquorix 6.10 64 bit kernel)
md5sum: 8567be401ee8bd3bc0a6cdcbc43fee79
sha256: 36ae300bb4cfc55596837ec3e5ff22c1f6f18c7924968ba0745a29c6b0bcc47c
MX-23.4_KDE_x64.iso (KDE/plasma desktop and debian 6.1 64 bit kernel)
md5sum: 13cfcbe40b222bbf4a09baf99e8babd8
sha256: 8c7cf3ce430e181c2ca34ad710f38c5a7c8599c273411b4a5eac13af7254d07f
MX-23.4_fluxbox_x64.iso (Fluxbox window manager and debian 6.1 64 bit kernel)
md5sum: 6a65c051c5725e5119e24a1bdf9bd58e
sha256: 49b6b64f3d00739a518433910ff2fcd2eef1e9ab12e8f9a9868e421babeb51a5
MX-23.4_fluxbox_386.iso (Fluxbox window manager and debian 6.1 pae 32 bit kernel)
md5sum: 9e13c3f058f08bd6989f63a29340ca9c
sha256: c04858d375a99fe0c9c653df9d031ccdf395f6f21cc48184268a4bffafbc8746
mx23.4_rpi.img (packaged in with sha256 checksum and signature file included in the zip.)
sha256: 687d61595ca875985f957e2a8c2f3be55e874d11a6d1d14cc0c513191be5b215
Mirrors will populate over time. Other download locations:
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