Manjaro Linux 24.2.0 Yonada to leave Windows

Philip Müller has announced the release of Manjaro Linux 24.2.0, the latest stable release of the rolling distribution with separate GNOME, KDE editions and Xfce.

The new release updates the default Linux kernel to version 6.12:

“Manjaro Linux 24.2 “Yonada” has been released. Since Xahea was released in October 2024, we've been working hard to bring out the next version of Manjaro. We call it “Yonada”.

GNOME Edition has received several updates for the GNOME 47 series. This includes many fixes in GNOME 47.2 since it was released in September 2024.

The Plasma version comes with the latest Plasma 6.8 series with KDE 24.08. He uses the new ones Qt 6 and Wayland for Plasma above 6.12, as well as the latest drivers released to date.

See the new release announcement for more information.


Also available separately ISO with Linux kernels 6.1 and 6.6. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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