Mark Zuckerberg we made mistakes, no more censorship

Mark δημιούργησε τις προσπάθειες αστυνόμευσης περιεχομένου του Facebook στον απόηχο των πρώτων προεδρικών εκλογών του Donald Trump. Τώρα ο Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Meta is changing course as Trump's second presidency approaches.

Meta is ending fact-checking and removing speech restrictions on Facebook and Instagram, Zuckerberg said in a video on Tuesday, a move he described as an effort to restore free expression on the company's platforms.

"We're going back to our roots and focusing on reducing mistakes, simplifying our policies and restoring free speech on our platforms," ​​Zuckerberg said in the video.

He said that Meta is stopping fact checks and starting with them , τις αντικαθιστά με ένα σύστημα σημειώσεων κοινότητας (Community Notes) παρόμοιο με αυτό που χρησιμοποιεί η πλατφόρμα X του Musk, στο οποίο οι ίδιοι οι χρήστες επισημαίνουν τις αναρτήσεις που πιστεύουν ότι χρειάζονται προσοχή.

Meta will continue to police any illegal behavior, Zuckerberg said in a separate Threads post, but will stop enforcing content rules about immigration and gender.

Zuckerberg's plan is likely to reshape the experience of billions of people using Meta's platforms. It is a sharp departure from efforts that began years ago in response to complaints from users, advertisers and politicians that abusive and misleading content. The attempt to rein in such a thing, however, triggered reactions from who claimed to be subject to censorship. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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