Mastodon has announced the formation of a non-profit corporation

The Mastodon he said setting up a non-profit corporation [501(c) (3)] in the United States to help her collect donations. The new company announced its board of directors including Esra'a Al Shafei, Karien Bezuidenhout, Amir Ghavi, Mastodon CFO Hlatsky and his co-founder , Biz Stone.


The nonprofit said the leaders were chosen based on their values ​​that overlap with those of Mastodon. With their input, the Mastodon service will continue to offer free, decentralized, open social media .

The decision to become a non-profit organization in the US comes after the German government abruptly revoked Mastodon's non-profit status given the . Her tax advisor has already appealed.

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Pays for developer and designer employees and contractors, and must cover hosting and service charges required for . To pay for all this, it receives donations from the community, which are taxed.

The company in its announcement thanked Jeff Atwood and Mozilla for this year's contribution of $100.000 to support the non-profit company. He also said that donations like these are important to support the two-member core development team, which can continue their work seamlessly. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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