Mexican cartels approach chemistry students to make fentanyl

Cartel "recruiters" or recruiters approach students with tempting offers. They promise salaries of more than $800 a month – double the average pay for chemists in Mexican companies, along with possible bonuses such as cars or housing.

These "cooks" are tasked with improving its addictive quality and finding alternative synthesis methods to mitigate supply chain disruptions caused by stricter of chemical exports from China and the many bottlenecks caused by pandemics.

The they were interviewed of seven drug "cooks", three university chemistry students recruited by the Sinaloa cartel, agents, a recruiter and a university professor. All interviews were anonymous to avoid cartel retaliation.

According to the recruiter or recruiter, candidates should be passionate, tactful and unconcerned about the ethical implications of their work.

The university professor even highlighted a worrying trend: students are openly expressing their interest in compounding illegal drugs during of lectures. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

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