Media Freedom Rapid Response is a consortium of seven journalistic organizations and reports in its latest report a "recorded deterioration" in the country's press freedom position during the first half of 2022.
The MFRR reports that "press freedom in Greece continued its recorded deterioration from January to June 2022".
The following organizations participate in the MFRR funded by the European Commission:
European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) including ARTICLE 19 Europe,
the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ),
Free Press Unlimited (FPU),
International Press Institute (IPI) and
CCI/Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBC Transeuropa).
In the report released yesterday, the seven Media Freedom Rapid Response organizations make a special reference to the wiretapping and surveillance case of journalist Thanasis Koukakis. They also mention the murder of Giorgos Karaivaz, but also the attacks against K. Vaxevanis and Giannas Papadakou.
The organization also reports that the work of journalists in Greece is increasingly difficult, and that there is no security, citing as examples the attacks on the homes of D. Kambourakis and A. Portosalte.