Microsoft: Two arrests for hacking in its networks

Two men were arrested on June 22 for a hack at Microsoft after a collaboration between the company and law enforcement agencies like FBI, EUROPOL, EMSOU (East Midlands Special Operations Unit) and National Cyber Unit (NCCU).

The names of the two suspects have not been released, but the British ones αναφέρουν ότι προέρχονται από το Lincolnshire και το Bracknell και πιστεύεται ότι είναι μέρος μιας διεθνούς ομάδας που κατάφερε να εισέλθει στο of Microsoft between January and March 2017.Microsoft

Police raided their homes and seized computers and other evidence that could help the investigation. One of the suspects is accused of gaining unauthorized access to , while the other was arrested for computer abuse offences

At present, very little is known about hack, but Microsoft explained in a statement that hackers were unable to access their customer data, noting that all of its systems were operating after the attack.

"Today 's action by the authorities in the United Kingdom is an important step. Ισχυ Stronger cyber security depends on the ability to detect and prosecute cybercriminals. "This requires not only a strong technical capacity but also a willingness to publicly acknowledge such issues and refer them to law enforcement." Reported one millionof Microsoft.

"No company is immune to cybercrime. There was no access to our customer data and we are confident in the integrity of our software and systems. We have implemented comprehensive measures to prevent, detect and deal with attacks. "

Authorities said investigations are ongoing in several other countries, and we can see new arrests from the same international gang that broke the Microsoft network.

It remains to be seen whether more information will be given on what hackers have access to, as researchers are still trying to identify the sections of the networks that the criminals have reached. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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