Microsoft advertises Edge on the Chrome site

Being the default browser on 10 and 11 makes Microsoft Edge an essential utility to download or some other browser.

This of course upsets Microsoft so much which he uses constantly increasingly aggressive (and user-unfriendly) methods to get its customers to stay on Edge.

edge banner

An attempt to install Chrome using Edge Canary now results in the browser displaying ads: a small one on the screen when the Chrome website loads, and a second, a huge full-size banner, that appears when the download starts.

We know that Microsoft has been trying to eclipse Chrome for years. The company claims that Edge uses the same technology as Chrome and tries to tell us that we should have "trust in Microsoft".

But there are some problems here

"Trust" in the company is not certain because your computer will connect to ad providers the moment you turn it on for the first time. Edge will show you more “recommended ” and it will force Bing without you even doing a .

Lest we forget, you can't remove Edge from your computer in an easy way.

Microsoft is doing incredible things to grow its user base.

Yes, and Google also displays banners to promote Chrome, but they only appear on company websites. Google doesn't show ads on the Firefox website, even when you want to download another browser.
Google uses much less annoying banners to promote its browser and only on its own sites!

Note that the above banner doesn't appear in the stable version of Edge, so it might be something Microsoft is testing. Whatever's going on in Microsoft's software labs, there's no sign that the company is making its browser more enticing. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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