Microsoft stops MSU updates manually

In July, Microsoft announced that the of 11 24H2 and Windows Server 2025 will be released using a new method. They are called “Checkpoint Cumulative Updates,” and they are intended to reduce download sizes for faster updates. Microsoft also says this will reduce the load on the server side.angry

Then in September, Microsoft confirmed that the new way updates are pushed has led to installation issues for Windows Update Standalone Installer (MSU) files in Windows 11 24H2 and Server 2025 as some of these updates fail with “ The function is not supported".

Microsoft explained how the issue was mainly related to FoD (features on Demand) and LPs (language packs) and gave some methods to fix the problem. One of them concerned the manual installation of MSU (Windows Update Standalone Installer) files and the other way was through the DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) command line tool.

Microsoft has since removed the manual installation method from its support article.

What was he saying before:

Install the .msu packages

Method 1: Manually install the MSU packages

Install each update one at a time in order. To do this, go to the C:\Packages folder and double-click the older .msu file. Then continue to the next .msu file in order until the latest .msu file is installed.

Method 2: Use a DISM command

Use the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool to install one or more .MSU update rollups. For more information, see DISM System Package (.cab or .msu) Servicing -Line Options.

To add a single .msu file to a Windows image, use the Add-WindowsPackage command.

What does she say? new page:

Install the .msu packages using DISM

Use the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool to install one or more cumulative checkpoint updates. MSU packages. For more information, see DISM Operating System Servicing Command-Line Package (.cab or .msu).

To add a single .msu file to a Windows image, use the Add-WindowsPackage command . For more information, see Add-WindowsPackage. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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