Η Microsoft considers that its customers no longer want this kind of announcements and so starting this month the company will not publicly announce the security warnings it will make on Tuesdays. He will publish what is to come patches only through private channels and only to clients who have paid support contracts.
Η Microsoft uses these advance security notices to allow users to know their systems will receive patches and to prepare system administrators for the upcoming Patch Tuesday. These releases were usually released on the Thursday before Patch Tuesday, which takes place every second Tuesday of the month. The first advance notice was issued 10 years ago when Microsoft officially introduced the program of Tuesday's Patch.
In an article published this morning, Microsoft said its decision to move to the monetized service early notices, and is mainly based on the choice of users who no longer want to receive this information.
There is one channel of Microsoft, the myBulletins, which contains the relevant updates of Tuesday's Patch and is still available. The company states that anyone will be able to use this channel, which is a service that provides details for each user, and is based on the software running on their computer.