Microsoft announced the acquisition of Hexadite, a company based in Boston and working with researchers from Tel-Aviv, Israel. The company focuses specifically on developing automated solutions for incident management and system recovery.
If at first reading the expertise of your company sounds like a nuclear science degree, what Microsoft plans to do with this acquisition is to improve Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection with automated exploration and recovery capabilities that use artificial intelligence, with Hexadite technology.
Microsoft's ultimate goal is to provide enhanced security in Windows 10, enhance protection against zero-day attacks, ransomware and other cyberthreats in addition to malware, and whose detection is usually based on past tracking methods.
The entire Hexadite team will be hired by Microsoft and the company will be integrated into the Windows and Devices Group, which will mean emphasizing the improvement of security features in Windows 10.
"Our vision is to offer a new generation of security features to our customers to protect, detect and respond to the ever-evolving and ever-changing landscape of cyberthreats," said Terry Myerson, Executive Vice President of Windows and Microsoft Devices Group.
"Hexadite technology and talent will enhance our existing capabilities and enable us to add new tools and services to Microsoft's powerful business security solutions."
Now that they have seen the "powerful security solutions" I personally do not know; perhaps with the addition of new technologies such as the one mentioned above Windows users can enjoy a more secure environment.