USB 3.2 is coming with twice the speeds

The USB 3.0 Promoter Group has announced the new USB 3.2, a step-by-step update that brings many benefits, such as dual data rate without cable upgrades.

In other words, devices will have double the data transfer speeds using existing cables, thanks to an implementation that's been around since the original USB standard began -C.USB 3.2

Specifically, USB Type-C cables were designed from the outset to support multi-lane operation, but USB 3.2 is the first to take full advantage of this application.

Thus, USB 3.2 hosts and USB devices will be designed as multi-lane solutions, offering two different approaches: either 2 lanes of 5 Gbps or 2 lanes of 10 GbBps.

Between the two, it's not hard to see which approach the leading device manufacturers will choose, especially since a USB 3.2 storage will offer data transfer performance in excess of 2 GB per second when using a USB Type-C cable certified for SuperSpeed ​​USB 10 Gbps.

"When we launched USB Type-C, we intended to ensure that USB Type-C cables and connectors were certified for SuperSpeed ​​USB or SuperSpeed ​​USB 10 Gbps, to produce the highest performance in USB as they were developed new generations USB 3.0 said Brad Saunders, President of USB 3.0 Promoter Group. "USB 3.2 update offers the next level of performance."

The USB 3.0 Promoter Group includes leading members such as Microsoft, Apple, Intel, HP and many others. However does not yet see USB 3.0 as a mature standard, and refuses to implement it in its latest models , stating that it will cause more confusion for customers.

Microsoft said that if the correct cable is not used, customers could experience slower performance, which would ultimately lead to more something that would affect the image of both the device itself and the company as a whole. The Best Technology Site in Greeceggns

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Written by giorgos

George still wonders what he's doing here ...

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